My favourite poems of all time.
At the bottom are a few in full form because
- The Lost Lagoon - Emily Pauline Johnson
- Magdalene—The Seven Devils - Marie Howe
- Winter with the Gulf Stream - Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Appalling Heart - Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven
- The Planets - Diane Ackerman
- Sojourns in the Parallel World - by Denise Levertov
- Wait - Galway Kinnell
- Vermeer - Wislawa Szymborska
- Recurrence - Dorothy Parker
- For M - Mikko Harvey
- Apparition - Stéphane Mallarmé
- The Ponds - Mary Oliver
- Trees at Night - Helene Johnson
- Late Afternoon Stroll on the Cliffs - Laure-Anne Bosselaar
- Valentine for Ernest Mann - Naomi Shihab Nye
- We Pulled a Rose in Summer Time - Elizabeth Curtis Holman
- Sunrise - Louise Gluck
- The End of Poetry - Ada Limón
- I Sought the Wood in Winter - Willa Cather
- Voices of the Air - Katherine Mansfield
- Rain - Raymond Carver
- Because I could not stop for Death - Emily Dickinson
- In April - Rainer Maria Rilke
- Crossing the Bar - Lord Tennyson
- The Dark Night (XVIII) - May Sinclair
- [since feeling is first]- E. E. Cummings
- For Heidi with blue hair - Fleur Adcock
- I think I was enchanted - Emily Dickinson
- Dandelion Insomnia - Ada Limon
- A Cold Spring - Elizabeth Bishop
- The Dog - Aracelis Girmay
- The Anactoria Poem - Sappho
- The Myth of Innocence - Louise Gluck
- Summer - Louise Gluck
- Asteroid - headspace-hotel
- Monster - headspace-hotel
- She Was a Phantom of Delight - William Wordsworth
- The Milky Way - Barbara Juster Esbensen
- Dorothy Dances - Louis Untermeyer
- The sun is lord of life and colour - Iris Tree
- Of a Certain Friendship - Elsa Gidlow
- Voyages V - Hart Crane
- sky hammer - Julian Talamantez Brolaski
- A Decade - Amy Lowell
- In Event of Moon Disaster - US Government
- Desiderata - Max Ehrmann
- Love Poem Near the End of the World - Stephen Dunn
- The Treasure - Robinson Jeffers
- The Cremation of Sam McGee - Robert W. Service
- Fireworks - Edith Sitwell
- Telephone Repairman - Joseph Millar
- The Understudy - Hieu Minh Nguyen
- Summer Wind - William Cullen Bryant
- The Problem with Other People - Savannah Brown
- The Patience of Ordinary Things - Pat Schneider
- Tasting the Last of the Ice Age - Susan McCabe
- The Universe May Stop Expanding in Five Billion Years - Savannah Brown
- The Eternity We Share - Savannah Brown
- Promise - Savannah Brown
- I Want You to Look at the Moon - Savannah Brown
- A Memory - Savannah Brown
- Monica - Hera Lindsay Bird
- When at a Certain Party in NYC - Erin Belieu
- A Theory of Everything - Mary Crockett Hill
- Ode to My Hands - Tim Seibles
- An Invite to Eternity - John Clare
- If I Had Three Lives - Sarah Russell
- My Cat Is Sad - Spencer Madsen
- The Listeners - Walter de la Mare
- Untitled for a Reason - Tara Betts
- Your Arms - Loureine Aber
- Drifting - Olivia Ward Bush-Banks
- Waiting - Richard Church
- The Harp of Broken Strings - John Rollin Ridge
- To a Wreath of Snow - Emily Brontë
- They Who Walk in Moonlight - Hazel Hall
- At Sixty-Five - Henri Cole
- Winter-Time - Robert Louis Stevenson
- Creation - David Osborne Hamilton
- Prelude for Darkness - Virgil Geddes
- Recollection - Anne Reeve Aldrich
- Formosa - Booth Bentley
- Owl - Anne Haven McDonnell
- Reims - Hazel C Hutchison
- I Went Out to Hear - Leila Chatti
- loving like an existentialist - savannah brown
- From the Stone Age - Alice Corbin Henderson
- X Rays - Max Eastman
- On a Train - Wendy Cope
- Antilamentation - Dorianne Laux
- Love Poem Attempt 3/? - Taylor Byas
- Good Bones - Maggie Smith
- Paperweight - Ryan Teitman
- After the Lunch - Wendy Cope
- Dirge Without Music - Edna St. Vincent Millay
- I Dare You - Dorianne Laux
- Lullaby - John James
- Playing with Bees - R.K. Fauth
- In the House With No Doors - Sarah Kay
- Long-term Nuclear Waste Warning Message
- All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace - Richard Brautigan
- Amsterdam - Safia Elhillo
- Evening - Jeremy Radin
- To the Sea - Anis Mojgani
- New Moon Newton - Oliver Baez Bendorf
- The Death of Allegory - Billy Collins
- A Standard Unit of Measurement - Albert Goldbarth
- Song of the Anti-Sisyphus - Chen Chen
- I Have Just Said - Mary Oliver
- The Star Dial - Willa Cather
- The Password - Linda Pastan
- To a Bride - Mary Toles Peet
- Childhood is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies - Edna St. Vincent Millay
- First Date - Brian Bilston
- Forest Starships - Petra Kuppers
- golden irises - leva Dapkevicius
- Senlin: A Biography (Part I, Section II) - Conrad Aiken
- whenwe.love
- Old Age - Maxwell Bodenheim
- Skin-Light - Natalie Diaz
- The Rules - Leila Chatti
- Feeding the Worms - Danusha Lameris
- Jubilate Agno, Fragment B, [For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry] - Christopher Smart
- Unit of Measure - Sandra Beasley
- To Leonora - Amado Nervo
- Animals - Frank O’Hara
- The Human Seasons - Keats
- Having a Coke with You - Frank O’Hara
- Having ‘Having a Coke with You’ with You - Mark Leidner
- Autumnal - Rubén Darío
- Everything Shimmers - Naja Marie Aidt
- In a Disused Graveyard - Robert Frost
- Blackberrying - Sylvia Plath
- Frog - Flower Conroy
- Fallen Leaves - Mary Cornelia Hartshorne
- Far Away - Matt W. Miller
- A Vision of the End - Too-qua-stee
- Corsair - Cyrus Cassells, Brian Turner
- Abraham Davenport - John Greenleaf Whittier
- Nostalgia - Matthew Minicucci
- The Mountains - D’Arcy McNickle
- S’i’ fosse foco - Cecco Angiolieri
- To the Miscodeed - Jane Johnston Schoolcraft
- Abracadabra - Mia Kang
- Ode to Goby - Juliana Spahr
- The Dark Cavalier - Margaret Widdemer
- You Want a Social Life, with Friends - Kenneth Koch
- Theorem of Sorts - Mónica de la Torre
- Habitable Nebula - Timothy Donnelly
- Winter Song - Wilfred Owen
- Weathering Hate - Harryette Mullen
- If Night You Were a City - Adam Wiedewitsch
- Peridot - Richard Scott
- Sojourner - Marie-Ovide Dorcely
- And You . . . - Jason Allen-Paisant
- Montpeyroux Sonnets - Marilyn Hacker
- To a Snowflake - Francis Thompson
- eschatology - Eve L. Ewing
- The Sympathy of the Plums - Shūsen
- An Arundel Tomb - Philip Larkin
- When Last We Parted - Catherine Maria Fanshawe
- A Song About Singing - Anne Reeve Aldrich
- The Octoroon - Georgia Douglas Johnson
- Song on May Morning - John Milton
- The Lotus - Toru Dutt
- The Artist - Henry Bellamann
- One Cup of Chai - Preeti Vangani
- Earth Change - Elfrida DeRenne Barrow
- Medallion - Anthony Wrynn
- Daffodils - William Wordsworth
- The Coming of Night - Skipwith Cannell
- forest_void - Hannah Jenkins
- establishing secure connection
- crush choreography - Rory Green
- false friends
- The Problem With Travel - Ada Limon
- The Giant Cactus of Arizona - Harriet Monroe
- Cyanometer for my Heart - Isabella Streffen
- The Rose - Isabella Valancy Crawford
- The Summer Day - Mary Oliver
- To be of use - Marge Piercy
- 17 Kinds of Hungry - Adrian Matejka
- Diagnostic Quiz for Human Ghost - James Fujinami Moore
- On Her Dancing - James Shirley
- Lightning Bug - Colin Pope
- Innocent Sleep - Nancy Campbell
- Before You Came - Marjorie Meeker
- Sheep - Martha E. Keller
- Sonnet I - John Suckling
- A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky - Lewis Carroll
- Siri as Mother - Hala Alyan
- Songs to the Peonies Sung to the Air: “Peaceful Brightness” - Li Bai
- Green Burial Unsonnet - Dante Di Stefano
- I Dug, Beneath the Cypress Shade - Thomas Love Peacock
- Voices of the Air - Katherine Mansfield
- To Her Who Passes - Maurice Browne
- Waiting for the Barbarians - Constantine P. Cavafy
- Harp Song of the Dane Women - Rudyard Kipling
- To a Certain Lady, in Her Garden - Sterling A. Brown
- A Certain Lady - Dorothy Parker
- https://poetry-collection.netlify.app/
- The Afterlife - Louis Jenkins
- pitch to be your girl - Kameel Mir
- After a Call With My Mother - Joana Urtasun
- Goblin Market - Christina Rossetti
- Little Sleep’s-Head Sprouting Hair in the Moonlight - Galway Kinnell
- flax-golden tales
- I am Taliesin - anon
- Duplex for the Sick & Tired - Kay Ulanday Barrett
- The Last Ritual - Marion Strobel
- love me or not
- Crest of Slow Fire - James Daly
- Spiritual Chickens - Stephen Dobyns
- On the Five Senses - Jonathan Swift
- A Wind Goes - Bertha Ten Eyck James
- Growing Blind - Rainer Maria Rilke
- [O But My Delicate Lover] - Sappho
- Dewdrops on the Roses - Riūmin
- In Mist - Laura Sherry
- Written Extempore on the Sea Shore - Elizabeth Carter
- Between midnight and eternity - Kettly Mars
- Ships that Pass in the Night - Paul Laurence Dunbar
- Life - Charlotte Brontë
- Movement for an Imaginary Violin - Russell W. Davenport
- Love Stronger than Death - Agnes Mary Frances Duclaux
- In Summer - Lord Alfred Douglas
- Poetry - Lydia Sigourney
- A Poet’s Love - Letitia Elizabeth Landon
- Listener - Bernard Raymund
- The Epicurean - Francis Hastings Doyle
- The Altar - Archibald MacLeish
- The Truce and the Peace - Robinson Jeffers
- The Height of the Ridiculous - Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Love poem with a dying cat - Nen G. Ramirez
- Quiet Night Thoughts - Li Bai
- Black London - Samuel Roth
- To a Tree in Bloom - Hildegarde Flanner
- The Rhodora - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- From the Tuscan - Edith Nesbit
- When the Grass Shall Cover Me - Ina Coolbirth
- The Hymn - Bernardo Wade
- Acceptance - Robert Frost
- When I have Fears That I May Cease to Be - John Keats
- A Clear Midnight - Walt Whitman
- Haunted Houses - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- The Snow Man - Wallace Stevens
- The Listeners - Walter de la Mare
- April Love - Ernest Dowson
- The Sea-Bell - J. R. R. Tolkien
- Nightfall in the Tropics - Rubén Darío
- Hymn to the Sun - José de Espronceda
- Niagara - José María Heredia
- At the Mid Hour of Night - Thomas Moore
- The Soul’s Expression - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- The Pelican - Alice Louise Jones
- The Days Gone By - James Whitcomb Riley
- As if some little Arctic flower - Emily Dickinson